Director of the Institute for Arts and Media Management (KMM)

Prof. Dr. Martin Zierold

Office Staff

Frank Gaebler – Administration and Controlling

Description – Postgraduate Studies

The studies in Arts and Media Management qualify persons already holding a university degree to practice in arts management positions. Between 20 and 25 students per year from home and online from abroad take up studies in Arts and Media Management at the University of Music and Theatre Hamburg (HfMT). The course takes 4 semesters and leads to the diploma of “Master of Arts”.


Theoretical and practical studies as training-on-the-job; broken into 4 areas:

  1. Economics and law
  2. Politics and society
  3. Communication and organization
  4. Education and career

The courses are German-spoken and contain professional training as cultural managers, i.e. broadening and deepening different skills in Arts and Media Management – especially in administration, marketing, PR, controlling, fundraising, sponsoring, and in managing communication processes.

One internship during the course and two projects are obligatory.


All lecturers of the program work in leading management positions. They all work for the course in an honorary capacity. Therefore we aim establishing an intensive connection between theory and practice by realizing projects. In workshops and case studies, students are also able to sort out problems relevant to the practice.

Structure of the Course

4 semesters; beginning in October; lessons all day long on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Entry Requirements

Students must hold an academic degree (Bachelor or Diploma). Admittance is limited to 20 students per year. Every applicant has to prove his or her aptitude in an admission test.

Application Form

The application requires a special form. For further information, please contact the office. Applications must be sent by 1st July of every year. Along with this form you will need to submit:

  • proof of a certified completion of a course of study
  • a curriculum vitae in tabular form stating previous experience in cultural and media activities
  • a passport photo
  • proof of previous experience in cultural and media activities
  • a motivation letter describing the reasons for applying (length about three pages)

An information brochure about the program and the lessons is available by sending a (self-addressed) stamped envelope to the address mentioned below.


  • Tuition fees: € 375.00 per semester
  • Administration fees: € 110.00 per semester

For further information, please contact the administration team (listed on the right hand side).